Hi Neighbors!
Welcome! Dr. Dena Michele Rosko, Principal Coach of Dogwood Group, has partnered with Renton Municipal Arts Commission to support youth ages 2 to 18 years old who reside in the City of Renton with an art contest! The theme was Envision a Healthy Future during #stayhome orders that changed how local learners participated in academic and city life.

The contest supported the mission of the Commission to support and connect people of Renton with arts and culture in the Renton Community, and to advise on the development of arts in the city.

Timely now, Envision a Healthy Future included social justice because art in the public commons supports health and thriving, which needs intentionally replacing systems that harm with systems that heal, help, and care.
Learners needed to be a Renton student (ages 2 to 18 years old), agree to let us display the entry on various social media outlets including allevents, and emailed a picture of the original art to the Commission starting May 5 by June 16, 2020.

Learners from Renton Prep, Renton School District, and Homelearning submitted entries.

Art contributes the power to inspire, heal, and build a neighborly world!

Dr. Dena Michele Rosko