Min. Dr. Dena Michele Rosko
Heritage across Multiple Genres for whole Systems
Connecting People + Story with Heritage
What's your story of heritage?
systems anthropologist | writer | photographer
Storying systems of heritage for all in multiple genres
ecuminister | consultant | coach | facilitator
supporting people, partnerships, and organizations
Storying Heritage across Multiple Genres for Whole Systsems
Min. Dr. Dena Michele Rosko writes and publishes about the gospel, story, and heritage across multiple genres, cultures, and communities as a story artist, ordained ecuminister, and systems anthropologist to encourage people and partnerships to strategic holism through heritage.
Sign-up for a newsletter with blog updates, media + merch releases, course launches. community news, pictures, and special announcements!
Life ever a transition. Bridge the gap. Go well together!
Kindly, Dr. Dena
Encouraging heritage across multiple genres and cultures
I write + publish to encourage people with a "we story" of heritage. I facilitate, consult, + coach to integrate ideals, stories, + visions with strategic storycrafting to cross the gap between the struggle + the flourishing. I research anthropology of systems via storied systems design to support leaders, organizations, + partnerships with cultures for humanity. I photograph editorial, travel, + event art to create beneficial change in communities. I minister to pray + develop heritage theology, formation, + care for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact me below to ask about your project or vision today!
Hear from people, organiztions, and partnerships satisfied with their projects
Glowing reviews of writing, dialogue retreats, academic research + executive departmental projects, storycrafting + crisis response workshops, grassroots campaigns, global health initiatives for nutrition, civic municipal campaign, saving a local library and community icon, human + social service para-church + non-profits, + validating + integrating transitions of care. Hear what people have said about my rapport, practice, + the quality of excellence in my creative publications, ministry, research, + engagements. Visit the blog for testimonials.
Tell me about what resonates with you here, + we can schedule a conversation.